Saying “posttraumatic stress disorder is not easy” is such an understatement to make. For people who are living with it, as well as people who are living with them, every day can be a challenge. The disorder can be caused by war, sexual violence, serious accidents,...

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On the Rights of POWs

On the Rights of POWs

For as long as war exists, there will always be prisoners. From ancient times to the middle ages, the fates of these prisoners of war would often always result in death. A few may experience slavery, which some refer to as a fate worse than death. The modern era,...

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Life, Oh Life!

Life, Oh Life!

Life is beautiful but not always easy. It has problems too. The challenge lies in facing the problems with courage, letting the beauty of life act like a painkiller, and making the pain bearable during trying times by providing hope. Day and night, victory and defeat,...

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